Thursday, September 24, 2009

Way back into the Childhood

Very lucky we are to be here in Denmark, recently we visited H.C.Andersen house at Odense, world acclaimed Danish author and poet noted for his children stories. Experience was like travelling in our childhood days and cramping the poems, fascination about stories and fairy tails.

Hans Christian Andersen (April 2, 1805-August 4 1875) was known for having children delighted worldwide. How can one forget the story of "The Snow Queen" and "The Little Mermaid". Tourist across the world came here to see, feel and experience the legacy of Andersen and how Danes are preserving it.

H.C. Andersen, is pride of Denmark. Danes love to talk about himself and his works.

To attract the children and facilitate the visitors, House has a small lake, green garden, coffe house, amusement center and a shop.

So it's another good exposure to Danes cultural heritage.

Nice to be here with my group.

Trip to Odense Military Camp

Again it was the memorable date of September 18, 2009, we just completed our appointment and presentation at Now butterflies are running inside the stomach, by this time Military Commando Mr. Anders has joined us, average but tough looking man. Are we scared no not at all we were excited about our drill to military camp, lot of anecdotes Mr. Henrick has shared with us about the thrill to be here.

We went here and informed about the dos, donts, and some other general rules. Now we are in the hand of Mr. Anders, serving as a national security guard, but on personal request of our Prof. Henrick he was with us. Amazing!!

There were 18 hurdles which we have to complete first as general (demo), then in group as fast as you can and than individually.

Mr. Anders was amazing while swiftly and confidently doing every activity. And what about us, tired in first or demo round but without any break Group has made and put on the track with the spirit of to-win. One hitch four hand gerande was assigned us which we supposed to carry till the end of the hurdle-race.

Leadership and management lesson, make your strategy, planning,assign task, tactics, take care of less competent member of the team, cooperation & coordination........And we were in full zeal and enthusiasm looking to reach the winning post while completing all the hurdles as soon as possible.

It was quiet fun. After group activity, now it was turn for individual competency, stamina and die-hard-attitude. Till now almost all of us are screaming badly, we got cramp, bruise and wounds too. Legs were no more there to help us even standing. But we have to be on the track. Both the Gentleman were there to motivate us, focus to keep moving, don't about think on the body-look for the goal, destination! Narainder won this individual hurdle race. Hurray... kudos to N bhai.

We all were very happy. I am very thankful to Henrick Sir who brought this experience in my life.

Visit to

September 18, 2009 one of the fully-packed, excited, and adventurous day of mine, since being here in Denmark. It was planned to go for Military Camp, H.C. Andersen house in Odense. We all were very excited and full of various imagination, scared too about the hurdle race supposed to be happen soon. Our Professor Henrick Baadasraard Jensen was all day along with us to facilitate all the appointments and activities. He along with his friend received us from Dense railway station.
From there we directly went for "" one of the premium and leading fitness chain in Denmark doing good business while spreading the concept of Sustainability and health cautiousness. We also met with the Mayor of Odense at this meeting, enthusiastically helpful about health related issues and how government or responsible person in th politics can enhance and successfully support all these activities to make their people healthy and smiling simultaneously boosting the economy. When being asked why government is so interested in health or fitness centric issues though they seems to be individualistic? His simple, straight,intelligent, and responsible reply backed by statistics that Government indirectly saved 400 millions Kroner of if people will away from hospitals because of these "luxurious-problems" and second people are the responsibility of state and because of them we are in the system so its our official, and moral duty to do take care of them with a comprehensive approach. This answer not just impressed me but touch my heart and i was just left with aha!!!!! feeling. is a equipped with state-of-art infrastructure, running by dedicated professional and making good profit with there different operating strategy for their customer.

Whats makes this trip so special?!

Idea to do things differently, systematiclly and always come with strong research to venture into new business. Prepare a base and demand for your business or try to find out if it is there too.

For India it's a emerging concept limited to high-end customer only, as a life style stereotypes. Just imagine about the craze of Quasi-gym among youngster in India, their passion to build biceps and so on. How could one neglect this huge potential market ?