Friday, February 12, 2010

Do We Do Our Best

Titles allure us. Fame make us crazy. Craving all the time for success is fashion. But when its time to action we are blank, no where on the scene!!!

Cut short!!!!!

Today i along with Ujjawal shared a good movie that we can say a really of our taste and touched us deeply after 3 Idiots! Ya, you got it right My Name Is Khan, the most awaited movie and eventually became one of the most controversial movie because of certain other reason.

My Name Is Khan keep disturbing me till now and addressing number of questions,issues, and problems (in a simple way GOOD or BAD)which people around us has been making them complex day by day because to realize their vested interest. BUT OF WHAT COST!!

MNIK, was totally of Sharukh standard, which hardly disappoint his fans, viewers since he started his journey with BAAZIGAR and if you can go back to Circus and Fauji serial thats too good. A man who has traveled his journey from almost rags to riches in Bollywood on his sheer determination, hard work, and passion kept his promises to all his fans and viewers all across the world.

An actor, Saharukh Khan constantly delivering one blockbuster after another. But the movie i want to quote here is CHAK DE INDIA which move every Indian and instill a feeling of team work, passion to fight for the National pride and now MY NAME IS KHAN a movie which rolled out unparallel acting scene after scene was the evidence of being the BEST in his field. I do not want to praise Sharukh's contribution to stir the Nationalism and Humanism (tough he did) by his acting but simply wants to share HOW MANY OF US ARE EQUALLY BEST TO SHARUKH KHAN IN OUR RESPECTIVE FIELDS?

Maharashtra is not confine to Mumbai only but includes Vidharab and lot more than this. Itself Dharavi is the part of Financial capital of India. Maharashtra has its own perennial problem but do the Thackery family did their BEST to erradicate these serious problems of Maharstrians and ever aligned their development, well being to rest of India.

Big B, Aamir khan, Sachin Tendulkar, M. Ambani are truly the jewel of their field. Can we proclaim such attributes from our politicians, the so-called well-wishers.........why they fail to deliver their BEST even they have more power, more potential to make their acts at par with these people.

Why our teachers fail to meet standards of Rancho, why our journalist fails to meet the benchmark of Big B in RANN, why the human inside us fail to see people on the basis of their GOOD OR BAD VIRTUE? why we all are making life around us so complicated around us which demands only honesty, humbleness and respect for others? why we fail to think that we are human first and after a title holder. And Act our Best according to that.

Che Guevara, a role model of mine, went and fight for Cubian and later Bolivian despite being an Argentinian. SRK ala Khan, Rizvan Khan goes to help in the dire need to Mama Zenny in Willmania at the cost of his life even when the administration has almost neglect this place.

This is not only a filmy drama but more than that!!!!! When problems are of global nature haundering us we have to think in broad perspective and come up with new framework than parochial politics of Jehad and Marathi Manoos!!!

Let me quote one line "Duniya me Dau Tarah Ke Log Hote Hai Achhe Ya Bure " and on your best side you are first one at least in Acting field.


I love my country, love my people and love this planet.