Thursday, October 7, 2010

Should We Need To Change Our Opinion For Common Wealth Games?!!!

A lot has been written on Common Wealth Games which we hosting in our national capital city. All the bad mouthing , rebuke, sacrilege, and condemnation which we can throw on the Organizing Committee and other person related directly or indirectly to the games has been done. Wishes, or better say 'curses' had made by Mr. Mani Shankar Aiyyar not to meet the successful completion of this grand event; intellectuals, individuals have had same vocal opine too. I am, too, is a very vocal critique of this game from the very beginning as the issues of labor exploitation, lethargic approach of machinery towards such a sensitive and mega event which is supposed to reflect the status of our country as a Super Power & Growing Economy, plundering of national resources has never been done ever before by putting national grace on ransom- by deliberately delaying the construction and other work to make mammoth money in last.
Nexus of Contractors, politicians, bureaucrats, and negligence of monitoring & administrative agencies orchestrated this event to make it flop.
But i would like to mention here the words of our Sports Minister Mr. Gill that in the end we will make it like, as Indians, finally manage to host a successful Marriage.

How can we forget the negative publicity of our local, regional, and national print & electronic media has done? All FM channels exclusively broadcast bite to 'expose' the CWG preparation. International media left no stone unturned to condemn India's reputation. BUT IN SPITE OF IFS & BUTS IT WAS NECESSARY IN A DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY LIKE US. And I personally admire my system to give real freedom to express our views, thoughts and opinion---uncensored!!!!

Kudos to the labors, volunteers and other literally low profile people who has made the OPENING CEREMONY so successful which has fetch the applauds -then and there for the India. International media has given all the positive reporting after watching the opening ceremony. I was really touched and impressed that finally India is reflecting its 'pink-image'. On the other hand the glow on the face of Suresh Kalmadi reflecting his confidence to meet the deadlines handsomely, contrast to it, the expression of other people in VVIP stand proving at what cost!!!

I am the staunch believer in the potential of India. And people of India has proved it again that physically, financially and technically we are strong and capable enough to achieve impossible herculean task. Message is clear if utilized properly our untrained people can built world class infrastructure. And if not done, in any case, we have our own jugaad to make that happen...........

Now what about the tax payer money, plundering of COMMON WEALTH loot, scamps, throwing the national resources to make (an island) Delhi as the TOKEN of India's development-that to partially, negligence of national & Delhi's political and administrative people, environmental damage to Delhi, not nurturing national sports talent, and list is long. Nepotism in the Organizing Committee by Suresh Kalmadi, giving tenders to favorite companies on the sky-rocketing prices needs some rewards too.
Simple Question like :-

  • Why the initial budget of few hundred crores reached to more than lakh crores?
  • Why if we get approval to host 19 CWG in 2003 we were not ready to host the game till September 2010?
  • Why our honorable PM and their ministerial team fail to show any interest in the CWG preparation until when it was not vehemently exposed by media?
  • Why there was not any timely audit,check or monotoring being done by CBI, CVC or other agency?
  • Why we have foolishly dig out all our national capital?
  • Who and why planned to throw all the beggars and laborers outside the Delhi? Aren't they the stakeholder of national development?
  • Why we have enough money to feed the greed of shrewd individual & perfection to hide their heinous crime, but not a money to empower the poor people- on their education, health and shelter?

We Are Consistently Making Our Leading Presence on Human Development Index but from the bottom sharing rank with Somalia, Sudan and other least African developing contries.

Well point here is to notice is that we can achieve everything and I am quiet satisfied by the performance of our athletes as they have won 4 gold and several silver & bronze in various category.

Hope our athletes made us proud like the neglected hero of this CWG ceremony at the end. There is an urgent need to change our outlook towards our 'hidden' & 'take for granted' talent. Our policymaker should invest more enthusiastically than CWG to nurture the world-class people who tirelessly did their job to make this event happen. We need to change our opinion about our delaying approach..............oh no ....... its not in our blood but it is external and given right environment we can change the IMAGE. And what about Common Wealth........ just give damn condemn to it and look for the future which belongs to us. Yes, its true, if can do it.......we can do this toooooo!