Saturday, September 5, 2009

Circumsatnces that Creates Individual Destiny

Everyone tries to live his/her life on thier terms, without making any compromise. But life is not articulated as per ours wish. Though attempt to make life more systematic, more predictable, we do planning, time-table making, and scheduling; but how many of us are fortunate enough to experience all our so-called plan!! Well in one way its quiet good as it can make our life so mechanic that all the adventure can evaporate........leaving everything predecided by us.
If Life could have been happened like that way; do we really need God, Friend, Relatives..... probably no, because we then be like robots, machines sufficeint in themselves. Threats, challenges, oppurtunities offered to us by these unpredictable circumstances of Life compel us to find and retain relationship for support and urge to share almost everything. These achievements and disappointments that confront in our life shape our personality, future, and destiny. Things always not occur as we plan but sometime and somehow we manage to meet them and reward what we get in return, credited in our portfolio because of our sheer hardwork . But is it really like that??? Just go back in your life and try to recall how many times you make your new year resolution, monthly committment, weekly schedule, and daily plans. Now ask yourself is it really your endeavour to reach here or life placed all its cards for you to be here.

Did you ever realize that, is it the exact place for you to be here, the career you want to pursue, the job you wished for, the city you desired,.................... Ofcourse not, this exercise is not to humilate, and cry on my past but just realize the importance of those circumstances which confronted us consistently and without any prior notice. So what point is there for me and ofcourse for us..........

We must never be fortunistic by leave everything on time and luck but we, without making any failure of any reason, put our all possible effort to earn more chances for a desired life by giving and responding all the situation so that they can fetch coming time of our choice. Believe me if anyhow we could manage to do so, Life will entirely different without wandering in the past and obessession of future.
Simple why cannot we start live more consiciously by paying attention to even minute happenings so that we can respond & harness them in positive way for constructive achievements and not in disappointing memories who in coming times will haunt us badly.